Dentals and Surgery
Our clinic preforms routine surgeries such as spaying and neutering, dentals, and more complex surgeries such as mass removals.
All surgeries require a current exam of your pet by our Veterinarian within the last three months. We can preform the exam the day of surgery for spaying and neutering with an additional charge of the exam fee of $53.
Dentals and mass removals will require a prior consultation with the doctor and an estimate of surgery cost will be determined at that time.
Any patients over the age of 7 years will need bloodwork prior to anesthesia for their safety. We also require an IV catheter during surgery for any pets over 5 years old and also brachycephalic breeds such as bulldogs, boxers, pugs, etc. Bloodwork and the IV catheter are in addition to the prices below.
Petcare Animal Hospital follows very strict guidelines on anesthesia and recovery. We love your pets like our own, and will address any concerns you may have about your pet's surgery.
Canine Spay 2-25 lbs $315
26-50 lbs $357
51-90 lbs $409.50
91 lbs + $472.50
Additional $160 if pregnant. Dogs that are in heat will have to be rescheduled for 2-3months after their heat cycle starts.
Canine Neuter 2-25 lbs $294
26-50 lbs $316.05
51-90 lbs $367.50
90 lbs+ $430.50
Feline Spay $299.25
Additional $89 if pregnant. Additional $78 if in heat.
Feline Neuter $215.25
Dentals start at $499
Microchip with surgery $44
All dogs must receive a rabies, distemper/lepto, and bordetella vaccine while here for surgery if they are not current.
All cats must receive a rabies and feline distemper vaccine while here for surgery if they are not current.